Standing in the Strength of Your Ancestors
We are living in a time of mythic proportions.
Our ancestors have been down this road before.
They know the way. We are not meant to go it alone.
We are the leading edge of the continuum of life
and our ancestors support each step.
Several months ago a friend asked me if I was still thinking about moving back to Santa Fe. I was surprised at my response when I answered, "No, I feel that time has passed, so I am sheltering in place."
Now I understand my answer and the profound feelings of uncertainty that have been present for me in the past year.
Now we are being asked to shelter in place.
Shelter in place is just one way to reframe the current narrative. It is a potent yet nourishing statement, clearly a vast improvement over the term lockdown.
They can call it what they like but we know better. We have bodies that feel the difference.
Haven, sanctuary, refuge, dwelling, all are synonyms for shelter. It resources us rather than restricts and imprisons.
As we take sanctuary in shelter our nervous system begins to harmonize and regulate as we discover something we have been hungering for - safety and time just to be, and breathe.
As we slow down we connect to the natural rhythm of things and nature itself becomes a powerful immune builder.
We can build our immunity by taking responsibility for over exposure to repetitive and fear-based media while avoiding the trance of technology.
I am not proposing magical thinking or bypassing, these are serious times, but I believe we have everything we need to weather the storm.
As challenging as it may be, when we come together, remain awake to ALL that is present and see the bigger perspective we expand rather than contract.
When we ask to see the story beneath the story, we call upon the forces of inner resources and the strength and resilience that is our birthright from our ancestors.
Throughout history, indigenous cultures have known it is folly to face the present
or the future without connection to their ancestors.
We are living in a time of mythic proportions.
It is clear to me we are not meant to go it alone.
When we connect to what stands behind us and re-member ourselves we are not alone.
Our ancestors have been down this road before.
Many events have tried to gain our attention. Apparently, it has come to this virus for us to realize that what happens over there affects us here - there is no us and them, there is only us.
We are all connected and extraordinarily we are now all affected at the same time.
Most of us have forgotten this innate connection and look everywhere but the most obvious for resource and support through challenging times.
Rest assured you are connected to everything that has brought humanity forward, it lives in you.
All the brilliance, creativity, strength, ingenuity, wisdom, joy, intelligence, wisdom, compassion, resilience and grounded connection have been passed forward through your ancestral lineage waiting for you to develop your ability to access it and re-member yourself to take your unique place as part of your system, your tribe.
This is the journey of the Constellation Process, and I am honored to be your guide.
In this time of social distancing Constellators now struggle to discover ways to work with clients at a distance.
I am blessed that for the past eight years I have specialized in distance Constellations which makes up 90 percent of my practice. I have prepared for this time so there is no transition, I have never stopped working.
Thousands of individuals worldwide have experienced the gift of working in the sacred circle of the Telephone/Skype Constellation. I bring my 18 years of Constellation experience to work empathically, intuitively, and somatically with the systemic principles of belonging and inclusion to access the healing movements and solutions available when we transform your family and ancestral inheritance.
The solutions you seek are available now.
For more information your Constellation is just a call away
Krista Jarrard ~Center for Systemic Healing

Krista Jarrard as a pioneer in the evolution of the Systemic Family Constellations brings a deep intuition and a heart centered approach to her experiential Telephone/Skype Constellations
Passionate about supporting the current shift in consciousness Krista remote Constellation address your current day issues at the source to transform the ener-genetic inheritance of the family lineage and connect to the strength of your ancestors. As an international family systems teacher and facilitator with 18 years' experience in the field of trans-generational healing. As a foundation for her groundbreaking work with Inclusion and Belonging, Krista founded the Center for Systemic Healing offering trainings, public workshops and remote client work. She is the author of the soon to be published book The Radical Act of Inclusion, Moving beyond the limits of Forgiveness. As a first generation US facilitator Krista has extensive training with the works originator, Bert Hellinger.