I am writing this morning in response to experiencing my normal interactions with two friends today to be anything but normal. Both people where very activated, and having no awareness of why that was the case. Both are highly sensitive folks as well. It is a good to be mindful of all you encounter and what is alive in the collective field on this September 11, 2013. Every year we pass through the energetic trauma field of September 11. Over time it has dissipated but it is still ever present in the morphogenic field of this date. This year it feels to be much stronger since we are already in a activated state with the Pluto /Uranus square that we have been, and will continuing to be engaged with collectively, and in our own way. The body remembers what the mind forgets. From the Systemic Perspective this is my offering for honoring this day: Remember to resource yourself in ways that best serves you, allow your ancestors to be there for you. Be aware if you are having feelings that are not your own, get grounded and give them back. Include everything, exclude nothing, and bring extra love, understanding and awareness to all your encounters to begin creating a new energetic resonance to this day. Remember you have these tools, others may not, so share lovingly.
![]() When we discover the hidden dynamics behind the pain and conflict we sometimes experience as love, life changes, and our world blossoms. From a Systemic Constellation perspective issues in relationship are unsuccessful attempts to love, and the love that maintains the problem can be redirected to resolve it. First we find the point of disconnection or entanglement, and paradoxally the point at which the client loves. In the Systemic Constellation approach the deep act of including what has been excluded or disconnected, liberates the soul, and allows the client a conscious, and mature way to love, the problem dissolves, and the same love that maintained the problem solves it.
Krista Jarrard
I feel blessed to facilitate Systemic Family Constellations for the past twenty years. I bow to the mystery of the soul that unfolds and reveals the love that is brought to light. Archives
November 2024