"I am firmly convinced that the restlessness that drives modern man is rooted in a disturbed relationship to the ancestors. Only chaos can arise from an unbalanced relationship between the living and the dead"
Malidoma Patrice Some
I have been asking myself, how do we stay centered in this period of turbulence and fear-mongering. How do we avoid overwhelm, and stand with open-hearted strength to be with the enormity of these times. The answer comes back "Call on your Ancestors". Through this deep experience I once again find my place, come into balance, and resonant with the greater knowing of all that is.
Through Family Constellations we experience that no matter what the issue,
our ancestors want us to thrive. They are invested in the future through us.
The challenges we face on a personal and planetary level may seem overwhelming at times. To face them alone is absurd. All indigenous cultures are aware of the foolishness, and danger of living life as if the past does not affect the present.
Inviting our ancestors into the sacred circle to stand behind us offers the opportunity to open our hearts and connect deeply. Together we face in the same direction, whatever challenges and grand opportunities lie ahead are shared in new found strength. With their support we feel connected to the foundation to life itself.
All Family Constellation Work is about inclusion and connecting to the greater knowing present. With connection to our ancestors there is a blessing for all, ourselves, our family, and all of our descendants. This blessing moves out into our life, community and planet. We are all one, even when it appears otherwise.
On this Day of the Dead I invite you to take some time to reconnect to your loved ones that have passed on. Your ancestral linage, all of those that came before you.
EVERYONE has an ancestor that can help. When we bring our focus to the life they passed forward we come in touch with a new found strength and support.
Call on your ancestors any time.
Open yourself to their support.
You will be richly rewarded.
NOW is the Time.
Krista Jarrard has been a dynamic force as facilitator, trainer and pioneer in the evolution of the Systemic Constellation work for over fourteen years. Krista brings a deep intuition and remarkable scope of wisdom to her practice with clients worldwide. Krista is passionate about supporting the current shift in consciousness by working with clients to transform their ener-genetic inheritance of the family linage. She has brought this multi-dimensional healing to clients around the world, and to international communities for awakening. She is the founder of the Center for Systemic Healing, and creator of Healing at The Heart of the Matter Immersion Learning Program.
Krista’s upcoming book “The Radical Act of Inclusion” reveals the secrets to her work with Inclusion leading to the creation of her specialized practice model the Origin Sourcing System®