2017 Completion Ritual and Inclusion Meditation
As we evolve we come to an understanding that running and not looking back, is a form of exclusion and does not change any issue or situation. The past follows us. If 2017 taught us anything it demonstrated how the past is alive in the present. It has had us feeling what happened to all our hard work, our personal growth, even our humanity. Yes, we have seen all forms of exclusion this past year, more than any year in my experience. Knowing that exclusion is the source of most all issues I understand we have some big work to do before expecting anything new to emerge.
Then we have the popular New Year’s practice of RELEASING IT. In my experience "releasing it" is futile, a waste of time. When you release "it" where does it go? The "it" is usually our energetic reaction or response to an issue or event, and my friends, energy has to go somewhere, it does not just disappear. Exclude it. Release it, Repress it. Send it back to where it came from? If that worked why things don’t change, why do we need to do it over every year? Transforming the energy is the answer; this missing link is what creates long lasting embodied change.
This is where Inclusion comes in. If you do this meditation you will experience it is something different. Inclusion works. It is through inclusion that the real alchemical process of transforming energy and our relationship to issues takes place.
It is through Inclusion we found our way, and can bear to be with all that is present, to intend a different future and resource ourselves to create new outcomes for a NEW year to come.
For all of the above I am pleased to invite you to participate in this 2017 Completion Ritual and Inclusion Meditation.
What you will need:
You will need a comfortable chair where your feet can be on the floor in a private, quiet space with no distractions. I suggest you arrange to have some quiet time by yourself immediately following the ritual meditation. You may also like to light a white candle.
© 2017 Center for Systemic Healing. All right reserved.
Krista’s upcoming book “The Radical Act of Inclusion” reveals the secrets to her work with Inclusion.