Here we are in the thick of it- Shaking, Quaking, Rocking and Roiling.
This may sound strange, but it is hopeful to see people waking up from the haze of disconnection, of living in pink clouds of denial.
To see the pain of unhealed wounds and division is big work, but it is our work.
Real Awakening Requires Bearing Witness.
"Avoiding negativity" has never changed a thing, it perpetuates what we avoid.
Repressed energy always returns to haunt us.
I will take moral outrage over New Age platitudes any day.
Come into your body. Once again it has taken pain to bring us into the present.
Stay open - Explore the present with courage.
So here we are sitting with it - Our scarred past staring us in the face.
Maybe now we can begin the work at hand.
As we find our center we find our passion. Then we turn our passion into action.
Action begins with ourselves, not others. Take Self-responsibility.
If we continue looking outside ourselves in blame and we miss the point entirely.
If we are so "Conscious" we better let our actions of authentic healing prove that point.
Supported by the knowledge there is no new anger - go to the source. If you wish to send love and positivity into the world go spend a week with your family. This will show you immediately where really you are.
Start with this; Where and when have you or someone in your family’s past been the abuser or the abused? This is our where healing begins, in our heart of hearts. Stay with it.
The pain holds the solution, and love is at the source of it all.
Stay in your Body - Stay Awake – Don’t go back to sleep.
If you need support we are here.
Systemic Family Constellations, Healing the Past in the Present, for The Future.
Krista Jarrard has been a dynamic force as facilitator, trainer and pioneer in the evolution of the Systemic Constellation work for over fourteen years. Krista brings a deep intuition and remarkable scope of wisdom to her practice with clients worldwide. Krista is passionate about supporting the current shift in consciousness by working with clients to transform their ener-genetic inheritance of the family linage. She has brought this multi-dimensional healing to clients around the world, and to international communities for awakening. She is the founder of the Center for Systemic Healing, and creator of Healing at The Heart of the Matter Immersion Learning Program.
Krista’s upcoming book “The Radical Act of Inclusion” reveals the secrets to her work with Inclusion leading to the creation of her specialized practice model the Origin Sourcing System®