Too much is filling up churning inside our hearts, minds and nervous system
that isn't prepared to sustain the current level of ongoing overwhelm.
We are moving through primal, ancestral, and collective traumas
adding to and overburdening our personal experience.
With so much beyond our control, we search for what is.
In a Movements of Soul Constellation session, we have time and space on our side.
Time to rest into the support of the sacred circle, settle into
the space of your body, connected and supported.
Time to slow down and connect to the heart.
We work somatically with the breath, to regulate the nervous
and immune system to harmonize the heart, mind, and body.
I have the heart and time to listen.
I listen for the voices of the past that echo in your present.
We have sacred space for the unspoken to be heard.
Time and space for the hidden to come to light for healing.
I share the gift of being guided in each moment back through
the generations that hold you back, awaiting liberation.
Beyond the boundaries of time and space the Constellation unfolds
transforming ancestral burdens to blessings.
We listen for the poetry of your soul, as profound healing sentences arise
becoming your personal mantra for embodied truth.
Hearts open as awareness moves beyond current limitations.
Offering an invitation to consciously participate in the potentialities
that are your distinctive Birthright.
Space to reconnect to strength creating a new foundation
of support, connection, and love to create your life anew.
We have the time and space to feel and remember
the flow of life that supports you in each moment.
We have everything you need to rest into a new unfolding.
Experience Sanctuary, Support, and Solution

In this intimate and experiential session, Krista brings 20 years of experience with Constellations to work empathically, and somatically with the systemic principles of belonging and inclusion to access the healing movements and solutions available when your family and ancestral inheritance is transformed.